Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Asking of the Maids

I don’t know if it was the sheer giddy of asking bridesmaids – but I asked everyone within 24 hours! Shocker I know!

I’ve asked everyone (and ended up with five fabulous females) and much to my dismay, all of them said yes in true girl fashion (screaming, giggling, and crying!) Even though I have asked them, I want to think of a cute way to ask them again, whether it be a little package, card, etc. Just some token to show them how much I appreciate this and how truly excited I am.

How did you ask your bridesmaids to join you on the big day? How do you pick a maid/matron of honor? What if you don’t have one? How do showers work? Help!


Joanne said...

thanks for the link and suggestion! :) i also asked all my 7 bridesmaids within the first 24 hours of being engaged. other than my 2 sisters and his sister, I had to call everyone since they all live far away. i thought about doing something special to ask them, but i was too excited to hold it in! hehe!

nellie said...

hi, susan! i'm glad you liked good stock bindery... i can't wait to use them.

this is what we did for our bridal party. they loved it!

AEK said...

I didn't ask my bridesmaids for about 5 months because I really wanted a unique way to do it. We finally decided to make a DVD invitation to a party that we'd through for our "soon to be" wedding party. Check it out on our website at